June Update on the Future of Outdoor Dining (FOOD)

June 13, 2023


The County Board voted to advertise public hearings on Zoning Ordinance amendments and a new County Code chapter that would allow for more administrative review processes for outdoor dining.

These recommendations stem from the work of the Future of Outdoor Dining (FOOD) Study, which sought to incorporate aspects of the Temporary Outdoor Seating Area (TOSA) program into the County’s post-pandemic approval pathways for permanent outdoor cafés. 

If you have a current TOSA and/or outdoor café, there is nothing you need to do at this time.

The County Board will consider the recommendations with public hearings at the July Board meeting. You can find details about the meeting and how to sign up to speak at the County Board meetings on the County website.

After the Board takes action, County staff will reach out directly to all restaurants, with a TOSA permit, to share information on the steps you need to take based on the Board’s action, as well as how you can ask questions and request individual help from County staff. This information will come to you through both digital communications and in-person visits.


Learn more about the FOOD Study and recommendations on the study webpage.